KANEDA CERAN HV Комплексна грес с високотемпературен калциев сулфонат с изключително налягане.

Дата на излизане:2019-09-25 14:45

Пет предимства на продуктите

  • Отлична термична и механична стабилност. Възстановява оригиналната си текстура след охлаждане до околната температура.
  • Забележителна устойчивост на натоварване благодарение на естествено високото си налягане и свойства срещу износване.
  • Изключителна водоустойчивост, не се наблюдава значителна загуба на консистенция дори при големи количества вода, постъпващи в мазнината.
  • Отлични антиоксидационни и антикорозионни свойства благодарение на самата природа на калциевите сулфонати, също в присъствието на морска вода.
  • не съдържа олово или други тежки метали, считани за вредни за човешкото здраве и околната среда.

информация за продукта


Extreme-pressure water resistant high temperature calcium sulfonate complex grease.


Multi purpose heavy duty water resistant grease.

Applications in steel industry


l CERAN HV is a heavy duty extreme pressure grease, pre-eminently designed for the lubrication of industrial bearings working under high temperatures and high loads in the steel industry.

l CERAN HV is also suitable as EP multi purpose grease, in various other industrial applications where water is in frequent contact with the grease.

l Always avoid contamination of the grease by dust and/or dirt when applying. Preferably use a pneumatic pump system.


True multi purpose

High loads

Water resistant

High temperatures

Anti corrosion

No harmful substances

l Thanks to its very sophisticated formula and performance reserves, CERAN HV meets the

most stringent industrial requirements set by industrial bearing manufacturers.

l Excellent thermal and mechanical stability. It regains its original texture after cooling to ambient temperature.

l Remarkable load resistance thanks to its naturally high extreme pressure and anti-wear properties.

l Extraordinary water resistance, no significant loss of consistency is observed even with high amounts of water entering the grease.

l Excellent anti-oxidation and anti-corrosion properties thanks to the very nature of the calcium sulfonates, also in the presence of sea water.

l CERAN HV does not contain lead, or other heavy metals considered harmful to human health and the environment.

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  • Да се:
  • Kaneda Technology (Dongguan) Co., Ltd.
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